What a wonderful set of articles you have given us throughout 2022.

You've had a great year, and should be immensely proud of your achievements - your writing, and latterly your podcast appearances.

I wish you the very best for 2023, and hope your star continues to rise.

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thank you for all your beautiful writing, the depth and bravery of your research and most of all for being a wonderful role model showing younger women feminine strength and wisdom.

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Impressive body of work that asks important questions. I am glad to be one of your subscribers and support your future work.

Shout out to Benjamin Boyce, who brought you to my attention.

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An impressive, insightful body of work you’ve contributed this year, Eliza. Looking forward to your book deal, willing it into fruition.

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I will keep this as unread, and sift through your month by month log, thanks! The release of the first documentary on trans widows, Behind the Looking Glass (Vaishnavi Sundar, Lime Soda Films YT channel, trailer up now) will be in 2023, and I hope that date will be in your roundup at this time next year. There are over 30 of us interviewed, covering all of the uniquely difficult tasks we face after discovering or heard an announcement that our husbands plan to cross-dress 24/7. The Reuters article, a first full length feature on detransitioners appeared on Dec. 22. I cite it here in a short clip at my Ute Heggen YT channel, in which I then proceed to demonstrate the mind/body movements I use to retain my sanity. Eliza, you are doing a fantastic job. Contact me at uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com and I'll send the card for a free eBook of my memoir.


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Thank you for your insightful writing. You articulate so clearly many of the thoughts and ideas I’ve had in this past about gender ideology but was unable to express.

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You’re a titan.

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You are so correct in saying that "If someone believes that trans identification is not an idea that can be planted in somebody’s head," they are absolutely wrong. I also agree that "Anyone is free to hold wacky beliefs about sex/gender but not to enforce those beliefs on others." We each live in unique, subjective worlds of our own making. That's how brains work.


As I said in that essay, "I’ve also become absolutely intolerant of those who take advantage of the ways that brains work by manipulating other people’s beliefs to their own selfish ends, without consideration of the long-term harms they’re perpetrating. I find this particularly intolerable when the person being manipulated is young, impressionable, or vulnerable. As a Biological Psychologist, I don’t see a difference between the former and any other sinister attempt to manipulate another person’s body. Both are equally immoral."

Frankly, I think the largest part of this (horribly destructive) controversy has to do with power, politics, and narcissism (as you've alluded), not issues of sex, gender, or sexual preference. It's all become so disjointed from what I see as reasonable behavior that I can't help but think it's being driven by pathologies. Transgender people have always existed. But this level of bad behavior is new (https://terfisaslur.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email). The former should not be confused with the latter.

My best to you for 2023, Frederick

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Great writing, insightful thoughts. We need more writers like Eliza - not blinded by the blue hair and the thinning dirty hair.

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As a parent of a teenage girl confused about "gender" and captured by the non-sensical notion of Gender Identity and the fantasy that all her problems will disappear if she only infuses her body with synthetic testosterone, cuts off her breasts and has surgeries to create a fake penis out of other otherwise healthy bits of her body, I applaud you and the other brave writers who have taken on the Establishment's illogical, harmful, baseless stance on Gender Ideology. I cannot thank you enough for doing your part to fight this medical and social scandal. Happy New Year!

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