When girls think they’re boys - Eliza Mondegreen | Maiden Mother Matriarch 34
Listen now (80 mins) | My guest is Eliza Mondegreen, a graduate student who specialises in transgenderism, especially online trans communities. We spoke about possible parallels between gender ideology and other psychiatric phenomena and the online trends surrounding gender and transitioning…
a year ago · 21 likes · 7 comments · Louise Perry
When I first saw that you were a guest on her podcast, I actually let out a happy little gasp. And then I started sobbing because of what my life has come to these days since my daughter is one of the girls in the title, and I can’t stop consuming any content (especially connected to you ) that might help me save her from this delusion.
This is an excellent conversation.
Particularly the deep dive into the online Ftm communities, which Eliza has talked of before, but perhaps not in such depth.
The delusions are both fascinating and terribly sad.