If you suspect activists may be protesting a bit too much, you’re right. Yesterday, an Ohio parent shared screenshots with me from a private Facebook group for “parents of transgender youth” being treated at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital’s Transgender Health Clinic. This Facebook group contains frank discussions of mastectomies for girls as young as 14, and is a place where parents swap tips on navigating the surgical referral process for gender-questioning teens, naming — and praising — Ohio surgeons willing to operate on patients under the age of 18.
Deception by gender-affirming clinicians and trans activists takes many forms.
Jamie Reed, the whistleblower from the St. Louis Children’s Hospital’s gender clinic, noticed that doctors from her clinic lied in their testimony to the Missouri legislature, claiming that gender surgeries for minors were “off the table”. What they meant, apparently, was that gender surgeries for minors were off the discussion table — not the operating table. While St. Louis Children’s Hospital itself did not perform such surgeries, clinicians handed out lists of surgeons who were ready and willing to operate on underage patients. Giving patients and their parents lists of surgeons allowed clinicians to claim they weren’t referring young patients for surgeries.
Others try to obscure the paper trail, burying controversial procedures under vague billing codes like endocrine disorder (not otherwise specified) or downright dishonest ones, like billing double mastectomies for teenage girls as breast reductions, as surgeons in Indiana and other states have done.
What we’re seeing here is a strategy playbook being put into action. At the recent US Professional Association for Transgender Health conference in Denver, Colorado that I attended, presenters shared ways to mislead policymakers and the public about the substance of “gender-affirming care”. Naturally, they didn’t put it in those terms. Instead, presenters spoke of the need to push back against “Right-wing disinformation” by avoiding giving details about patients, ages, and procedures to “dinosaurs”, as health policy wonk Kellan Baker put it.
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This article literally is the basis and evidence for a comment I made in a previous article titled, 'Very human problems in the field of gender medicine'. That being that most clinicians are not unaware, innocent and well meaning but very actively practicing deceptive and unlawful behaviour that goes against lawful requirements (and at the very least their behaviour is morally reprehensible, lacking in moral integrity and self motivated by lucrative financial incentives).
The trouble is in the trans issue particularly, on all levels, we get caught up and are so easily taken in by 'the visuals' of what is presented to us. Smoking mirrors. A therapist, nurse or doctor look kind and well meaning and we immediately put our whole trust into what they say and do. Whereas in reality they are Wolves in Sheep's clothing. 360 degrees in the trans scenario, what you see is not what get.
Most of these parents have been bamboozled by these clinicians and taken into a 'group think' environment where they are the odd person out and are seduced into finally thinking they must be wrong for not letting their child transition because look how happy 'Anya' is now 'she's' transitioned and living as 'her' authentic self and who 'she' was meant to be.
The whole scenario is truly tragic and these clinicians need to be held accountable for the roles they played.
The health care industry is a for profit entity. These surgeries make lots of money. In a strange twist what should be healthcare is in fact sickcare. Our health system has been hijacked just as our political system has. Since there is no money in health we take completely healthy young women, slap a diagnosis on them such as gender dysphoria and now we can make money off their bodies. What is sick is a system that sees this as fine and appropriate!